On May 21, 2015 The Elephant Story published a blog entitled Elephants Help Allies Fly the Hump in W.W. II. Beginning August 15, there will be a re-enactment of an historic C47 flight from Australia to China. Our friend, Tom Claytor, will be one of 4 pilots on the Mandalay/Kunming leg of the flight. Tom, a famous bush pilot in Africa and Southeast Asia, Thai movie star and an accomplished horse and elephant polo player is shown below. He and his King Power team defeated The Elephant Story in the 2016 King's Cup finals in Bangkok to take the King's Cup.
The details of the commemorative flight are shown below as well as a reference that can enable you to follow the events which will begin in Australia on August 15 and terminate in Guilin, China eight days later. We wish Tom all the best and expect to hear many exciting stories when we next meet. FLYING THE HUMP
15-22 August 2016
Commemorative Flight from Australia through Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar across the Himalayas to China
The Flight is being conducted to honor those men who served to bring victory and peace, and to the friendships between nations today that are charged with keeping the peace.
See all the details at...www.flyingthehump.com