Dear Friends and Elephant Lovers,
As you know, Bobby is retiring and heading to Palm Springs to begin a new chapter in his life with our friend Freddy. Therefore, we are closing The Elephant Story and taking a breather ourselves. Nonetheless, we will periodically keep in touch with you folks with a short blog when something strikes our interest. As you know, we have taken liberties with pure elephant-related stories and will continue to do so.
Rest assured, Joey will closely monitor what is written though I do feel somewhat unfettered to deal with the realities in elephant territories and the asphalt jungles of this world to provide opinions from a lifetime in those parts.
Therefore, we are not saying goodbye but “Get back to you in the New Year.” Have a Merry Christmas and a “Jumbo Thank You” for your support over the past 12+ years.
Ed and Joey Story

A Purchase That Means More.
Our products are from Asian elephant countries offered to fund programs for the families and their 300 elephants in Baan Ta Klang, northeast Thailand. Your support enables us to provide two native English-speaking teachers in the village as well as underwrite a portion of the veterinary services for the elephants.
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*Not including furniture and fixtures