Several people have asked what is going on in our special village which caused us to prepare a brief update covering several topics. First of all, you should know that life is pretty peaceful there as the image below indicates-plenty of rain, great rice crop and, therefore, everything is "sabaay maak" (Thai for "tranquil" like your mind following meditation). The elephants can take a rest from farming and enjoy a special treat in an enhanced diet which will be covered below.
Moreover, the elephants are prospering and adding offspring.
Further, The Elephant Story together with The Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation now have two native English speaking teachers in the region covering a total of five primary and secondary schools. Khun Sade was introduced at the Chang Boon Wittaya school by our spiritual leader Kru Oh, director of The Learning Link and the force in this educational effort. Khun Sade is now in her second teaching term having come to us from the University of Southern California.
As you can see, Khun Sade did not take long to adopt the Thai traditional dress and get into the groove.
Khun Jean-Marc is wearing a black tie and black ribbon in recognition of the passing of King Bhumipol.
Normally young Thai girls are intimidated by male teachers. Although Khun Jean-Marc comes to us from South Africa, the author would guess his French name explains his easy manner with the young ladies. Moreover, we are told that Khun Jean-Marc is quite the footballer and works with the young boys to develop their skills.
Blake Dinkin has moved his Black Ivory Coffee processing efforts to Moo Baan Chang, Ban Ta Klang. Here you see students from the Chang Boon Wittaya school preparing the coffee beans. Coffee processed by contented elephants in this setting has to be the best ever. Moreover, the students earn spending money by participating in the effort. As usual note the girls are the ones who understand economics and have diligent work ethics like their mothers in the village. The elephants are a beneficiary as well. Coffee cherries from the Suan Lahu hill tribe people in northern Thailand are mixed with rice, pineapple and other savories to feed and be processed by the elephants. Everyone gets a bonus in this activity. Moreover, the proceeds from The Elephant Story Black Ivory Coffee sales come back home to the village.
A special head's up to all you to enter June 28, 29 and July 1, 2017 in your calendars as The Elephant Story will host the Fourth Annual Elephant Polo Invitational Tournament in Moo Baan Chang. There will be six teams representing some twelve countries competing in the event which will generate over $60,000 for the village. Every year we see clear evidence that we are having an impact both educationally and economically on the community which is our objective to enhance the sustainability of the 200 elephants that reside there.
So as the sun sets on the village of Moo Baan Chang, we say Sawasdii Khrap (goodbye) and look forward to being there in late June if not before.

Black Ivory Coffee at The Elephant StoryExclusive to five star hotels in Thailand and the Maldives, The Elephant Story is the only location in the western hemisphere serving Black Ivory Coffee.
Please call ahead before making the trip to The Elephant Story for your Black Ivory Coffee purchase or In-Store Experience. Recent articles have made the demand increase and we want to ensure that we have coffee in stock.