As the available space to accommodate wild elephants continues to shrink throughout Southeast Asia, the care and welfare of domesticated elephants in natural habitats is a very important objective of elephant conservation. Therefore, a significant activity of the GTAEF is the annual training program which brings the best elephant veterinarians from around the world to demonstrate humane elephant training methods so as to improve the welfare and basic care given by mahouts and elephant owners to their elephants.
Over the past several years, these programs have provided training to participants from Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos. We thought we would show you a few images from the most recent 2015 Target Training Positive Reinforcement Workshop and the champions of this cause.

John Roberts, Director of the GTAEF, in his standard dress of a Thai mahout, is the third from the left on the back row.

Proper care of elephant feet is most important to an elephant's longevity. Khun Sophie, Camp Manager of the elephant camp, watches as Dr. Khyne U Mar, affectionately known as the The Elephant Lady of Myanmar, and Dr. Gerardo Martinez of Africam Safari, Peubla, Mexico, the leading advocate of these training methods, evaluate the feet of this elephant.
Dr. Christopher Stremme files an elephant's nails

Dr. Michelle Ocampo, Dr. Gerardo's assistant, models the stance for an elephant to have its feet examined while Khun Sophie and Dr. Khyne look on.
Whereas elephants often enjoy spraying water, it is extremely difficult to get them to spray it in a plastic bag, necessary to test them for tuberculosis.
One-year-old Denra raises his trunk to the fourteen year old Pepsi.
However, when Pepsi responds, baby Denra does not have the strength in his trunk to maintain the pose.
Click below for two videos starring Pepsi and Denra.

The Elephant Story 003: Interview with Pepsi

The Elephant Story 004: Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation