Vintage Hmong Hil...
Vintage Hmong Hill Tribe Fabric (17" x 200") 16Â ft, 6 in x 1 ft, 4 in (240 in x 1 ft, 5 in) Vin...
ViewPillow of Karen Tribe Top / Navy-Pink-Red
Made from a vintage Karen Hill Tribe Top, this pillow will add character to your room.
The Karen people refer to a number of Sino-Tibetan language speaking ethnic groups which reside primarily in Karen State, southern and southeastern Burma (Myanmar). The Karen make up approximately 7 percent of the total Burmese population with approximately 5 million people. large number of Karen have migrated to Thailand, having settled mostly on the Thai-Karen border.
Vintage Hmong Hill Tribe Fabric (17" x 200") 16Â ft, 6 in x 1 ft, 4 in (240 in x 1 ft, 5 in) Vin...
ViewVintage Hmong Hill Tribe Sapa Silk Fabric Intricate, hand-woven fabrics from the Hmong Hill Tribe...
ViewVintage Hmong Hill Blanket (100" x 62") 8 ft, 4 in x 5 ft, 2 in (100 in x 62 in) Vintage handwov...
ViewVintage Yao Tribe Childs Hat Hand-woven fabric Hand-made Vintage from Yao Tribe Origin: Thailan...