"Green Leaf" Abso...
"Green Leaf" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moistur...
ViewAdd a pop of color to any outfit with this unique jewelry collection. Made with Shibori fabric and silver accent beads. The beads are made from up-cycled bomb fragments as a part of the reconstruction program made by Article 22.
Hand-made jewelry created by approximately fifteen different ethnic groups which help support more than 500 women in villages throughout Laos. These groups operate through a network based on fair trade principles, specifically by providing competitive wages and opportunities for continued learning and professional development. This gives village weavers the ability to earn a sustainable livelihood for their families and communities.Â
"Green Leaf" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moistur...
View"Marble" Gray/White Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the ...
View"Parasol's" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moisture...
ViewAntique Burmese Puppet Head The Burmese artists created the puppet made of wood of which mobilize...