"Green Leaf" Abso...
"Green Leaf" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moistur...
ViewThe caviar spoons are made of cream white shell material by fine craftsmen. Spoons are sold as a set of 2.
Spoons measure 2.83" Smooth rounded handles.
No synthetic or artificial filler added. As pure Mother of Pearl, it will not break the taste of the caviar.
"Green Leaf" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moistur...
View"Marble" Gray/White Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the ...
View"Parasol's" Super Absorbent Coaster. Made of special clay in Thailand for absorbing the moisture...
ViewAntique Burmese Puppet Head The Burmese artists created the puppet made of wood of which mobilize...